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In a presidential election year, Americans are often reminded that “As Ohio goes, so goes the nation.” When it comes to banks, insurers and financial institutions, it may be equally true to say “As goes New York, so goes the nation.” So when the New York State Department of Financial Services proposes sweeping cybersecurity regulations for the financial sector, the ripples will be felt far beyond New York borders.

The proposed regulations are more stringent than analogous recommendations from the Federal Financial Institutions Examinations Council (FFIEC).  For instance, the breach notification deadline is 72 hours – a standard that will inevitably result in frenzied fire drill investigations in the years to come.  They apply to “Covered Entities.” Covered Entities are any person operating under a Department of Financial Services license. For readability, this note refers to affected “banks”. However, that term should be understood to apply to all covered entities.

Some of the most noteworthy proposals are:

These proposals are preliminary. The notice and comment process may result in some tweaks.

Nevertheless, they are noteworthy for three reasons. First, they reflect a determination that certain cybersecurity practices must be mandated rather than left to the institutions’ discretion. Second, they are likely to establish benchmarks that will set the standard of care going forward. Third, these standards will likely be applied—whether by law or industry “best practices”—to banks throughout the nation and abroad. Lord Ellenborough wrote “Can the Island of Tobago pass a law to bind the rights of the whole world?” Perhaps Tobago could not, but as the center of the global financial system, it would appear the Empire State may.

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