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Employers are rightfully concerned about the possibility of their employees asserting claims related to COVID-19 against them. This employer alert will address potential claims asserted under the North Carolina Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Act (“REDA”).

Many employers might have never heard of REDA, much less received a complaint, even though it became North Carolina law in 1992.

Under REDA, employees, who in good faith engage in “protected activities” under the law, are not to be subject to retaliation by their employers. Protected activities include threatening to file or filing a complaint under eleven different North Carolina statutes. Most REDA complaints relate to workplace safety, wages and workers’ compensation.  The Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Bureau (“REDB”) of the NC DOL is responsible for enforcing REDA and investigating complaints.

In a recent article  (page 3) drafted by Harriet Hopkins of the REDB, Ms. Hopkins reported that almost fifty percent of the weekly calls to the REDB’s helpline have related to COVID-19.

Employee complaints under REDA based on COVID-19 will most likely relate to NC OSHA, which is one of the covered statutes. Both federal and state OSHA have requirements related to an employer’s duty to provide a safe work environment. The question then becomes, could an employee have a legitimate REDA claim if his or her employer fails to take recommended safety precautions related to COVID-19? As there is no precedent for claims related to a pandemic, the answer is “possibly” and will be fact determinative.

In the Article, Ms. Hopkins gives examples of recent COVID-19 related complaints received by the REDB and its opinions of same, which are as follows:

The takeaway is that employers should follow COVID-19 related safety recommendations from federal and state agencies. In addition, employers should carefully consider employees’ requests and complaints related to COVID-19 and make sure that their responses are in compliance with applicable state and federal law. Poyner Spruill’s attorneys are glad to advise employers on these issues.

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