Poyner Spruill Welcomes Education Law Practice Group

Poyner Spruill LLP invited eight talented law school students to the firm’s Raleigh, Charlotte, and Rocky Mount offices for our annual summer associate program. Over the course of six weeks, the summer associates helped support multiple practice areas, networked with attorneys and legal professionals, and learned about working in a firm environment.

Hear what our summer associates have to say about their experiences at Poyner Spruill:

Cecilia Barreca (Rocky Mount) is a rising 3L at the University of North Carolina School of Law.

“My summer experience at Poyner Spruill exceeded all my expectations. Not only did the entire Poyner Spruill community welcome me with open arms, but the Rocky Mount office made me feel at home from the first day I arrived. The friendliness of the firm made it easy to develop authentic professional and personal connections with associates, partners, and legal professionals. Despite being the only summer clerk in Rocky Mount, I was able to join in the camaraderie of our summer class at various firm events and weekly trips to the other offices! We formed a special class bond that cannot be described, only experienced.

My mentors, Chris Dwight and Savannah Story, went above and beyond to ensure that my interest in tax and corporate work was nurtured. I loved every assignment I got to work on this summer – and I love tax law even more now! Working at Poyner Spruill this summer challenged me to think about the law in new ways, incorporate feedback into my work, and approach problems from a practical, rather than academic, perspective. It has been a privilege to work with brilliant corporate and tax attorneys who have been so patient in teaching me their ways and in reviewing my work.

After six short weeks, Poyner Spruill has given me incredible work opportunities, great connections, and most importantly, a sense of confidence and fulfillment as an aspiring tax attorney.”

Todd Bowyer (Raleigh) is a 3L at Elon University School of Law.

“Working as a summer associate for Poyner Spruill was an amazing experience. The positives of the summer program are too numerous to list in full, but there are a few I would like to highlight.

First, the assigned projects were interesting and meaningful. Everything I was asked to do had a purpose that would either serve the needs of a client or benefit the firm in some way. The variety of projects from the firm’s many practice areas provided great experience in multiple areas of law.

Second, the culture of Poyner Spruill fosters relationships across the firm. I cannot say enough about how wonderful the people are and just a pleasure to work with. Despite the expansive size and scope of the firm and its practice areas, the connections were wide-ranging and perceptible on both a professional and personal level. The people here truly care about each other’s success and wellbeing. In addition, the other summer associates provided great support. The diligence in choosing the right people in the summer associate hiring process was clear.

Finally, the planned events were fun and a nice way to get to know the city. I appreciated the opportunity to interact with attorneys and other legal professionals in a more casual setting. While I worked out of the Raleigh office, I also enjoyed the opportunity to travel to the other offices in Charlotte and Rocky Mount.

Overall, I had a fantastic experience at Poyner Spruill, and the worst part is that it had to end!”

Lauryl Fright (Raleigh) is a rising 2L at Campbell University School of Law.

“I really love our class of summer associates. We all got along so well and were excited when we had the opportunity to be in the same office together. I was able to help other summer associates with things they were working on, and they did the same for me.

Poyner Spruill fostered a welcoming environment. I felt like I could ask questions about anything and receive an honest answer. There was a high level of transparency at our Summer Bootcamp meetings that answered questions I did not know I had. I never had the same project twice and I was able to work on projects across an array of practice groups.

I was also able to talk to attorneys more generally about the work they do, what they enjoy about it, and how they got to where they are. Everyone was more than willing to share with me and seemed genuinely interested to hear about me and what I’m interested in. Some attorneys even sought out work for me so I could gain exposure to certain practice groups.

I was able to talk with attorneys face-to-face about projects, instead of interactions being solely on Teams or Zoom. A lot of attorneys seem to have an open-door policy, which makes the task of asking a question a lot less daunting.

I learned a lot and met some of the brightest and hardest working individuals. I couldn’t be more thankful for my time at Poyner Spruill this summer and I only wish this summer lasted longer.”

Jessica Hobbs (Charlotte) is a rising 3L at the University of North Carolina School of Law.

“I’ve truly enjoyed my time here at Poyner Spruill these last two summers! I’ve had an opportunity to work on a number of projects across different practice areas, including employee benefits and executive compensation, litigation, real estate, local government, land use, and construction. Not only was I able to get an inside look into each practice area, but I was able to work with a number of attorneys across the firm, all of whom were supportive and passionate about their practice areas and their work. Further, I appreciated that we were working on substantive projects, and at times, had the chance to see the progression of our projects. For example, this summer I assisted with a motion memo, then had the opportunity to observe the hearing where the supervising attorney argued the motion. I’ve also had the opportunity to help with research on an issue, then join in on a follow-up call with the supervising attorney and client.

I’ve also been very impressed by Poyner Spruill’s commitment to investing in summer associates beyond projects. This summer the firm added a bootcamp series, where we had the opportunity to learn about different aspects of the firm and hear perspectives from HR, the business development team, and attorneys. I appreciated the firm’s transparency and willingness to provide insight into professional and business development.

Finally, I’ve really enjoyed getting to know attorneys and legal professionals through lunch and social events this summer! We’ve had great events and it was always great to connect outside of the office, as well. I’ve also enjoyed getting to know and spending time with the other summer associates in this class. Our class has been so supportive and encouraging to each other, and I believe this is a direct reflection of the firm’s culture of collegiality and collaboration.”

Grayson LaMontagne (Raleigh) is a 3L student at Campbell University School of Law.

“As a Summer Associate at Poyner Spruill this year, I was afforded amazing opportunities to gain exposure to a variety of practice areas that I never would have experienced otherwise. These opportunities have allowed me to learn and grow more than I could have imagined over the course of only six weeks.  Within the various practice areas, I was able to assist on incredibly exciting projects, that challenged me and were invaluable to my education and future career as an attorney.

Beyond the amazing substantive legal and educational experience, there is an unmatched culture and spirit of mentorship at Poyner Spruill. The attorneys are not only brilliant, but they are also kind, willing to answer questions, and willing to share their experiences and knowledge. The opportunity to work alongside these brilliant attorneys has been unmatched.”

Clare Magee (Charlotte) is a rising 3L at Wake Forest University School of Law.

“Six weeks as a summer associate can teach you more about the practice of law than six months in law school. While it’s difficult to summarize just how much I’ve learned in my time at Poyner Spruill, here are three lessons that have enriched my summer and will stick with me as I move into my final year of law school:

    1. Try everything.

I came into my 2L summer with a clearer idea of the type of law I hope to practice, but having the opportunity to work on a variety of projects has been a fantastic reminder that the legal profession is full of unique practice areas, and that what I do may evolve over time. The gatekeepers (a group of attorneys who assign projects to summer associates) have ensured I always have something new or different to work on, which has allowed me to stretch and learn new things I never would’ve gained exposure to had I not been given the opportunity to try a little of everything.

    2. Look for ways to add value.

An associate recently encouraged me to always be on the lookout for ways I can add value for the client -whether an external client or an internal partner for whom I’m working on a project. I’ve learned that adding value by including summary bullet points in an email, suggesting practical solutions at the end of a memo, or identifying examples that the client can follow is one of the best ways to begin transitioning from the habits of a law student who regurgitates information to those of an attorney who uses that information to counsel and advise.

    3. Enjoy building relationships with your peers.

One of my favorite things about working with Poyner Spruill has been the relationships I’ve formed. Our summer associate class is not only exceptionally bright and talented, but also exceedingly kind and genuinely fun to be around. Taking time out of the day to go on a coffee run, connect over lunch, or brainstorm research questions is an invaluable way to create a memorable and enjoyable summer associate experience and has resulted in friendships that I know will continue long after the summer is over.”

Kelly Newcomb (Raleigh) is a rising 3L at the University of North Carolina School of Law.

“For the second year in a row, I thoroughly enjoyed my summer experience at Poyner Spruill. As a non-traditional student, I feel as though I have a pretty good understanding of what makes a great working environment, one that fosters mutual respect, collaboration, and camaraderie. PS checks all the boxes.

What struck me immediately is how Poyner Spruill’s atmosphere differs from an ultra-competitive, stereotypical “big law” office.  Instead, the Poyner Spruill team is relaxed and friendly, while still managing to churn out superior work product. This environment made me feel much more comfortable asking questions and soliciting advice, which, in my opinion, elevated the quality of my own work.

I also really appreciate that Poyner Spruill encourages its summer associates to try a variety of practice areas.  I was surprised to find that I loved the work in several areas that I had never previously considered.  The attorneys are really supportive; they are constantly checking in with the summers to ask what we are working on, what our favorite projects have been, and if there are any new areas we’d like to try.

I have learned so much at Poyner Spruill and have met some truly amazing people. I feel very fortunate to have had this experience.”

Kevin Quintana (Charlotte) is a rising 2L at the University of North Carolina School of Law.

“My time at Poyner Spruill has been eventful and full of learning. What I especially enjoy about Poyner Spruill is that they have the expertise, resources, and manpower of a large firm, but are able to preserve a welcoming and supportive culture that is reminiscent of a smaller, tight-knit group.

Throughout the summer, I have been able to work on numerous projects from all different types of practice areas. Both the Associates and Partners at Poyner Spruill have mentored me throughout this program and have provided me with valuable feedback on the work I have produced. In addition, I have had the chance to observe arbitrations, motion hearings, and contractual agreements. These opportunities are insightful and have allowed me to get a better sense of what it is like to work as an attorney. Along with the many opportunities to get involved in interesting matters, I have been able to explore Poyner Spruill’s many offices and meet all the talented attorneys that make up the firm. Everyone has welcomed me with open arms and has encouraged me to pursue any learning opportunity that interests me.

I am proud to say that in the several weeks that I have spent as a Summer Associate at Poyner Spruill, I have significantly improved my legal research and writing skills and have greatly expanded my professional network. Needless to say, my summer at Poyner Spruill has been very rewarding.”

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