Poyner Spruill Welcomes Education Law Practice Group

With change constant, and accelerating, health care organizations encounter ever widening obstacles to their success. They need legal guidance from a law firm that understands the challenges they face and can fashion responses to meet their needs.

At Poyner Spruill, we provide just that.

We work with hospitals and health systems, physicians and other licensed medical professionals, physician and other clinical practices, managed care organizations, provider associations, nursing homes, home health agencies, assisted living facilities, hospice agencies, dialysis centers, cancer treatment centers, providers of mental health and substance abuse treatment services, medical device manufacturers, and ambulatory surgery facilities.

We assist our clients with state and federal regulatory and compliance issues (including development of health services regulated under North Carolina’s Certificate of Need law), administrative dispute resolution, mediation and administrative appeals, state and federal civil litigation, rulemaking, operational and transactional matters, restructuring, joint ventures, integrated delivery systems, managed care, provider credentialing, peer review, medical staff issues, audit, reimbursement, fraud and abuse, employment, and recruiting. We are with them in planning responses to new challenges on or over the horizon, and we are with them in responding to crises. In every aspect of our work, our goal is to help our clients develop practical, responsive, and forward-looking strategies in a competitive and heavily regulated industry. We care for our clients so they can care for their patients.

For more information about our health care industry experience, view one of the associated pages or contact one of the related professionals on this page.

Check out the latest episode of our healthcare podcast, Blagging About Healthcare with attorney Mysty Blagg.

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