Poyner Spruill Welcomes Education Law Practice Group

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Mysty Blagg

t: 919.783.2922

Mysty handles a wide range of healthcare matters, including HIPAA compliance, healthcare licensing, contract drafting, occupational licensing disputes, healthcare business start-up, and government payor audits.

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Mysty works with all types of healthcare professionals, including those providing long-term care, primary care, home health, behavioral health, and laboratory services. She also works with healthcare innovators seeking to bring their innovations to market. Prior to attending Campbell University School of Law, Mysty worked for more than 20 years in the healthcare industry. Her experience as a healthcare compliance investigator, Medicaid appeals specialist, and a registered dental hygienist provides invaluable insights for her clients. In addition to counseling clients on regulatory, transactional, and litigation matters, Mysty regularly presents and writes about various health law topics.

Areas of Focus



Campbell University School of Law, J.D., magna cum laude, 2020

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.S. Dental Hygiene

North Carolina State University, B.S. Zoology

+Professional & Community Activities

Triage Cancer Legal Advisory Council, Member

American Health Law Association: Vice Chair Member Engagement— Post-Acute and Long Term Services Practice Group (2022-2023)

American Health Law Association: Vice Chair of Education— Post-Acute and Long Term Services Practice Group (2023-2024) (2024-2025)

ABA Health Law Section: Vice Chair of Publications Book Editorial and Vice Chair of Education for Post Acute Task Force (Sept. 1, 2023, through August 31, 2024)

ABA Health Law Section: Vice Chair of Emerging Issues in Health Law Conference Planning and Chair for Post Acute Task Force (Sept. 1, 2024, through August 31, 2025)

UNCW Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mentor (2023-Current)

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